Freitag, 2. April 2010

Die Saison ist eröffnet!

So sieht unser traditionelles Sonn- und Feiertagsvergnügen aus: Nach ausgiebigem Ausschlafen, Zeitunglesen und Frühstück schwingen wir uns bei gutem Wetter gern aufs Fahrrad.

Entweder gehen wir dann Geocachen, auf Flohmärkte oder Kaffeetrinken. Oder alles :-)

Heute waren wir Cachen und danach das erste Mal Cappucchino auf dem Delmenhorster Marktplatz. In herrlichster Frühlingssonne, ich liebe solche Tage!

Und auf meiner Gartenliege war ich auch. Nur die Gartenarbeit muss noch warten, läuft ja nicht weg.

3 Kommentare:

  1. oh keia, if only you could have been with us today. we were in the town of Witten, new for me, and we geocached a bit. we had to wait for a train to go by, as the schraenke came down. i was thrilled, to me, this was a heidkrug experience.

    we even found a cache on the wall of a fitness center, and gazing in thru the windows onto the aerobics floor, i remembered my singular experience with you, near death from exhertion.: )

    the buildings in witten were equally pretty and the churches fascinating, i was so happy. i started singing the song about delmenhorst. you know the one.

    i also noticed that all their plants/bushes were ahead of ours, they actually have *leaves* on their hollundar bushes. (!!!!)

    happy spring to you,


  2. Frohe Ostern Keia! Hope you and your family have a wonderful day!

  3. thank you, my american girls *gg* . lytha, when will you be ready to come over to DEL? Perhaps we can meet Frau, too?

